
Being back home in Danvers, MA is not what I expected it to be. I honestly thought I would be eager to see my friends, family and evidence that Christmas is only a week away. While I am happy to see everyone, I find myself wishing I were back in Louisiana. The people, the culture and the things we did and learned have already had a significant impact on my life. When people keep asking me how it was I don’t know how to put into the words the experience we had. For me, I think the biggest thing I learned was why people never want to leave Louisiana. Pre-trip, after hearing about the devastation from Katrina and then from Gustav and Ike, I repeatedly asked myself, ‘Why would they move back?’ I thought it was ridiculous that people would live in harm’s way instead of moving to a safer area. Now I know exactly why they want to stay right where they are. Not only do many extended families live within the same neighborhoods, but many have lived there for generations. Jamie at the Dulac Community Center said it beautifully when she said that her people were “one with the land and water.” People are so kind and good to one another and they have great pride. The sense of community is genuine and strong and this land has and will always be their homes. I completely understand why people don’t leave even after being repeatedly hit by hurricanes. Louisiana is special. The people, traditions, food and music all make it a unique and wonderful place, a place that I am now missing, and a place that I now understand why people keep going back for more. If anything I hope that I will be able to share this knowledge and understanding with my friends and family at home and when I return to Union in January. I miss you all!!