getting ready for new orleans!

The past few days back at Union have been very educational. The movie “Washing Away”, which we watched on Tuesday discussed how the Louisiana coastline is actually washing away therefore making the land extremely vulnerable to small storms, winds and flooding.

The articles we read for Friday were also really interesting. The piece on education really put things into a better perspective for me. What stood out most was the statement, “materials and facilities can be replaced. Students are receiving a real-life educational experience in that they see that they cannot take people, things and places for granted.” The other article on Memorial Hospital helped us realize the ways in which the system malfunctioned: how they were short on doctors, nurses and resources and needed help. I couldn’t imagine being placed in such a high stress environment and forced with the decision of who to help first.

My favorite part so far was definitely learning how to use power tools and perfecting tasks of hammering nails, to cutting and hanging dry wall. I think we are all ready to head down South!