Dulac- a place very far from home.

For the past four or so days, the group has been spending time in both the town of Dulac and the city of Houma. We have been staying at the Dulac Community Center but traveling everyday to work in two houses in Houma. The house the I have been working on was hardly assembled when we began working. Our supervisor told us that the house should have actually been torn down because there was so much damage from water and termites. However, we were told that it would have been more expensive to rebuild the entire house. Due to this, the whole house had been gutted and when we walked in there was minimal construction work that had already been done.

Working on this house though has really been a great experience. I’ve really learned so much; from installing fiberglass insulation, to cutting and screwing in dry wall. Although its been a very rewarding experience, as of late I’ve been getting a bit tired and cranky. Although we only work from 9 to 4 manual labor is really tiring.
To be honest being in Dulac has been a bit strange. At nighttime I’ve gone running with Pat and it is very easy to realize how different this place is; the dilapidated boats on the river and the houses on stilts. Most importantly, the mindset in dulac is very different from the northeast. Things are very slowpaced here while things in new york are very quickly paced. Although I enjoy experiencing this place and its people, I really do miss home.