Events in Dulac!

When we first arrived in Dulac on Friday night – all I could think about was what does this place look like in the light?! When we all sleeply entered the community center we were all excited to see an amazing kitchen filled with food, a common area with a TV and what appeared to be much softer beds 🙂

On Saturday, we had our first day of work. We met at the warehouse ands talked about the 2 houses we’d be working on – neither one being in Dulac!

The house I decided to work on is located in Golden Meadow – a good hour and a half away from the Dulac Community Center. At first, I thought the trip would be easy and would be a way to catch up on sleep. But the lack of time working is catching up to us. Our supervisor, Jim quickly explained how to tile and put lament wood flooring on, and left – which caused one of our rooms to be redone today. I was pretty upset because it took us a good day’s work to complete, and I felt really let down. But it was great to keep positive energy and thoughts and team up to re-do it.

Despite, my swollen bug bites from planting in Port Fouchon, the lack of sleep, and now the stomach bug that’s going around i’m trying to stay positive and hopefully finish out the hard work for this house. I felt amazing when we were able to meet the home owner, Linda! She blessed us all, thanked us and told us how excited she was to see hardwood floors and tiles. She also mentioned how she’s a sheriff and works with kids who are all “hooligans”. I was so overwhelmed by all of her comments – it’s really inspiring me to get her house done!

I’m really thankful for everything I have in my life – and this trip has really helped me realize how lucky I am to have a roof over my head, a loving family, amazing friends and most of all a college education so I can take everything I learned back to all those around me! Thanks 🙂