Dark Fantasy

The journey has officially began and all I can say is “Who Dat?” The day started off quite cool. I would almost say it was down right cold as Ice in the early morning of our church residence. Once my contacts were taken from there solution bath and replaced in the windows to my soul I navigated my way to the kitchen. Talk about a fest-HBO and 1% milk. This was followed by a sandwich train and resulted in a new combination-hummus, turkey, cheese and roast beef. It was so amazing that I might need to copyright its proportions. Next came the journey to PNOLA, an amazing organization with just 2 full time staff, where we learned from a former Minnesota girl about building houses for New Orleanians. We then split up again and headed to our respective work sites. I was blessed with the privilege of working with some of the taller students in the group which resulted in making us more efficient at sheet rocking the ceiling. I must also admit the the students who lacked the height advantage definitely added to the group dynamic by just being ever so helpful and cool and funny. We learned how to insulate a house and survive in a room filled with Sheetrock debris and fiberglass from the insulation instillation. What a great lesson to learn LOL. This steep learning curve was followed by an exciting lunch with great AmeriCorp volunteers from Kentucky, Illinois, and Long Island (Notice that I put the location from NY on the same level as a state). Had a great discussion about things ranging from Public Health School, GREs, Future Plans, Majors, and expectations for future outings. Best First Day Ever.

Could have only been better if I wasn’t missing something or someone.