Week 1 has come to a close in New Orleans, it has been an amazing experience getting to meet both the people of New Orleans as well as those who have traveled from elsewhere to offer their help. I don’t think any amount of training or number of movies watched could have prepared me for the reality of the situation here in New Orleans. It was really rewarding to be able to help out someone who truly needs it, and see the progress made as well. Having never worked on a house before it was really awesome to show myself that I could do it and even that I would love it so much! There is still much more work that needs to be done here, and I seriously doubt that it will ever be truly finished, however I think that each small effort amounts to something great. Southern hospitality is apparent here, for almost everyone I have come across here will go above and beyond to make sure that you are as happy and comfortable as possible, even when thy themselves may have nothing. It is a really admirable way of life and one that has been a breath of fresh air to visit. Also all of the strength, hope, and kindness of those here show that New Orleans is definitely worth the efforts to fix the broken society of this area. The way that society has treated these people is a major problem, and one that should be addressed honestly and fixed, but for now we are doing our best and making a small but worthwhile positive change in one persons life, as well as bringing attention and awareness to the crisis here in New Orleans. This week we will begin working in Dulac, restoring the wetlands and I look forward to making a difference here as best I can!