The Muddy Surface

Today (Dec. 14) the group went out to the wetlands to plant some trees to help with coastal preservation! It was an early morning when we piled into the vans at 6am! Fortunately, all of us were able to sleep on the way there except for Jan and Joe who were driving.
We knew that we were going out on boats and there would be no toilets or areas to become warm. We packed our lunch and were off like a heard of turtles!
The day was spent by drilling holes into the Earth with very cool power drills. Once the holes were created, someone would plant a small plant in the hole and cover it up with dirt. We ended up planting about 1000 trees! This was quite a day at work. The view from the marshes was beautiful. At the end of the day it was nice to stand on the marsh and look over a calm area. It was one of the first times I was able to see through the harsh conditions in Louisiana and recognize the hope and essence of this wonderful place.

Till next time . . . .