back to school..back to school

             It’s been more than two weeks since we left New Orleans, and i must say that it has been more than exciting to be back home and back to Union.
            Being in Dulac was unlike any other experience I have ever had and is definitely considered the biggest amount of ‘culture-shock’ I have ever been a part of. The big question that I have been hearing from all of my family and friends was ‘HOW WAS NEW ORLEANS?’
           My concise answer is ‘good!’, but I am more than certain people do not want to hear about every little thing I did each day. Furthermore, people do not have a clue what Dulac is or where it is located, so it was very difficult for people to comprehend that I didn’t spend my whole two weeks in New Orleans.
If I had the opportunity to elaborate to each person that asked me how the south was, I would inform them of the work we did with Ameri-corps, the struggles we faced and Dulac, and how this mini-term was an eye-opening experience much different from any of the other mini-terms that students went on. With all of that said, it’s awesome to be home, but I will forever have memories from the 1 intriguing week in New Orleans and the 1 infamous week in Dulac.