Reflection two weeks after the trip

So today is January 5, which makes about two weeks since we’ve come back from Louisiana.It was a relief to be home finally after a very stressful/difficult week in Dulac and talk to my family. I think that now being back at school its become very challenging to come up with the best answer to the question “How was Louisiana?!”. I have very mixed feelings about how I should respond. Part of me wants to go into a deep explanation of the stressful situations that we faced due to our environment and the dynamic of the group and group leaders. While part of me also wants to just say “It was fun and very rewarding.” because there were many aspects of the trip that I did enjoy and that were very rewarding and eye-opening.I usually tend to say a mixture of the too, because I wouldn’t want to mislead anyone about the experience. I wouldn’t want them to think it was a bad trip because it most definitely was not. However, I wouldn’t want them to think that it is a relaxing mini-term like some of the other mini-terms. There are multiple aspects of the trip that I would change for the future, but overall I do think it was a very valuable experience.