post-trip thoughts

Where do I begin? There is so much to say. The actual work we did on each home was great and we should all feel proud of our hard work. I think the people were very appreciative and even if some weren’t, we shouldn’t let it bother us.

While driving down the streets in my town, I can’t help to compare the two sights: Dulac and South Orange. These places are diametrically opposed in almost all aspects. This comparison makes me want to go back, I miss New Orleans and Dulac. I have not been able to clear my head of some of the disturbing images of New Orleans and Dulac but that is a good thing. The experience had an impact on me like no other. It is hard to explain the trip to family and friends at home because I feel that you really have to be there to understand it. Words alone can’t accurately describe it. 

Our debriefing session was very effective and helped identify some of the important meanings of the past two weeks. The two that stuck with me were: with great privilege comes great responsibility and our primary responsibility is to cultivate empathy. Even though we may not be able to physically do something to help the situation in New Orleans or Dulac we can start helping by keeping their stories alive by sharing them with others;  however. like I said above, it’s hard to do so. I guess we just have share our experience eagerly with others to the point where we make them aware and hopefully they will start looking into the problems both places face on their own.

As of right now, I have no idea how this trip is going to impact me in the future but I can assure you the experience will stick with me. The group was amazing. It was truly a pleasure to work with everyone and get to know new faces. I hope everyone has a happy holiday season and we keep the people of New Orleans, Dulac and anywhere else that suffers from poverty and destruction in our thoughts during this time of love and joy.