
Tomorrow is our last day in Dulac, and it has definitely been a lot different from our week in New Orleans. My group has been working on a house in Houma that is owned by a Houma Indian couple. They have been out of their house for a long time now, and have been living with their daughter who also lives in Houma. They visit us and their house pretty regularly, and we have had some great opportunities to talk to them and gain a sense of what their experiences have been like in Houma. Though they are hoping to be in their house by Christmas the house still needs a lot of work and it looks like an early move in is probably not possible. 🙁

My group has been working on insulation and sheet rock in the house. The insulation was pretty frustrating because it contains fiber glass which has been making us all itch for the past couple days, but it has been really rewarding to see all that we have accomplished at the end of the day. Today we also did sheet rock which the other group working on the house has been doing. The sheet rock makes the house look much more complete and it has been really cool to see the way that the house is coming together.

Tomorrow is our last day of work, and then we return to New Orleans for two more days before heading home for the Holidays. Dulac has definitely been an interesting experience, and it is so different from any place that I have ever been before. It has definitely made me gain some perspective on how differently people live in other parts of the United States, and how diverse our country really is. Dulac is home to a lot of Houma Indians, many of whom make their living off of the land, through fishing or other activities. This lifestyle has been really interesting to see, and I have definitely learned a lot about the culture of the people who live here.