My very first blog

This is my very first blog, so if I do anything wrong, forgive me.
So we are leaving in 2 days to go down to New Orleans and I am excited. In the past few days I think we have started to come together as a group and I’m confident we’ll be able to overcome whatever challenges we face.
I enjoyed the discussion we had today about the education and Memorial Hospital articles, which forced us to think about ethical issues and made us imagine how difficult and complex the situation was.
Cooking has been going pretty good the past few days so I think we will survive on Oreos and what ever meal we prepare each day.
I think we all had a good time today learning about power tools, and as long as no one gets really angry at anyone else, that should be put to good use while we are in New Orleans.
Anyway, I hope we all wake up in time to make it to the pick up van at 5am =)
See you on Sunday!