Week One

This has been an interesting first week. One of the most important things I have learned while in NOLA working on Sgt. Johnson’s house was that the perspective of the volunteer is recognized by those who are assisted. It felt like this moment of relief to know that our work was appreciated by him and that we were doing what he expected to his house. I was very happy to meet him and I was energized after he came by his house. Volunteering is one thing and service is another. We were doing a service even though we are voluntourist. We need more people who work to tackle one thing at a time instead of mindlessly working towards no tangible goal for anyone but themselves. I have learned that the city of New Orleans is more intricately complicated than I originally believe. With so much historical tension, corruption, poverty, and under development of many sectors there is no way to truly understand the situation in under a lifetime. I am thankful to have the opportunity to come down here with this group of people.