Every little bit helps

Since it has been about 5 years since Hurricane Katrina I would never have know the devastation that remains in New Orleans. Homes are still empty and people are still in need of the help of volunteers. That is why I am so glad I decided to do this trip. So many people do not understand that there is still so much work to do – including me before the trip.

Pam Jenkins, one of the speakers we had while staying in New Orleans, put everything into perspective for me by saying, “you are giving someone their life back.” This sentence sticks in my mind because I did not even think about it on such a personal level prior to her comment. I can’t image losing everything I own, escaping my town, and then returning to nothing. However, this is what many of the families in New Orleans experienced. By building these houses we are returning them to normalcy, giving them hope, and handing them back a piece of their life that has been taken away from them for five years now. In many ways this gives me back faith that every little bit counts. Every wall I insulated and every nail I had to screw was just one more step in completing this house. I am honored to say that I have played a part in repairing three homes – helping out so many people that truly deserve this.

Now I get to experience what those in Dulac had to deal with and I am very ready for that challenge.