A Rainy day in Houma

Today was supposed to be another day of painting, but the weather did not cooperate. So, we gathered in the kitchen and were assigned small task for the day. Some of us were setting for the Indian Santa event in the Dulac Community Center Gymnasium; some were organizing the closet in the back of the DCC gym; and Leigh, Joe, and I were going back over the Shrimper’s Row to re tile a bathroom floor in an abandoned house. When we arrived at the house to inspect the condition of the floor, we discovered that someone had already tried and half completed the flooring incorrectly. An adhesive was used to connect the pieces of flooring, some pieces still didn’t fit correctly, and it was just a mess. Needless to say, my first reaction was frustration and we decided the best way to handle this was completely remove the work that had been done on the floor and start from scratch. We ripped out the flooring and gave Jamie a call; our new assignment was to scrape up flooring the front room, which I assume will be re tile or repainted in the near future.

Today, when the five of us; Kayla, Leigh, Shari, Joe and I were scraping up the flooring, I must admit I was starting to get sore almost immediately. Bending down and scarping off flimsy pieces of flooring was again frustrating, but eventually it got done and after putting the tools away and loading up the van, we were headed back to DCC.

As soon as we got back to DCC, we got another call from Jamie asking for our help moving plywood and sheet rock from her house to the center. After waiting a few minutes, I voiced my decision to help with this project and so did Leigh. Shari and Kayla decided to go back inside, and honestly I can’t blame them because today’s weather was certainly not ideal. The lighter pieces of wood fit into the van easily enough, but for the sheet rock and plywood, we needed Jamie’s dad’s pick up truck. So, it ended up being Isaiah, Joe, Leigh and I moving wood pieces, plywood and sheet rock to DCC. I was extremely grateful for everyone’s help today because I just feel exhausted. I think this trip has finally at least some toll on me physically if not emotionally.