Kaboom and the tour

Saturday we worked with an organization called Kaboom and built a playground. There were many other organizations there helping and it was nice to speak to them and share experiences. At one point during the day I got a chance to speak to the kids who go to school where the playground was being built. The excitement on their faces when they saw the big yellow slide go up was the best thank you I could have got.

Today we went on a Tour around New Orleans with Jim. We drove around and he showed us the levees and some neighborhoods that were badly destroyed. I was shocked to find how close some of the homes were to the levees and even more shocked to find some of them being rebuilt. Why would they rebuild these homes if they are most likely going to be destroyed again? Jim explained to me how generations of families lived in these neighborhoods and how its home to some people. I guess I was naive to to think that people would just abandon the homes they grew up in. Being here and experiencing New Orleans explains why people keep coming back. It is not like anywhere I have ever been before. The city is so rich in culture and everyone is so outgoing and friendly. How could you leave somewhere like that? Last night Chelsea met this man and when I came over and listen to their conversation I heard him say “We laugh and smile on the outside, but on the inside we are crying…Thank you so much for coming down and helping us” He then gave us all big hugs. What he said brought tears to my eyes. Everyone is so thankful and although we are only five days into the trip I can honestly say this is the best experience of my life.

2 thoughts on “Kaboom and the tour”

  1. Wow Katie! You always did impress me and now you have confirmed that you really are a good person!! I am very proud of you!! Love Teresa

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