All posts by dan vivian

dulac farewell

We are heading out of dulac today… It was a long week of a lot of work and determination. I was amazed at how completely different the wetlands were from new orleans. It seemed like a different country, but the people needed help just as much. When we went down to port forchoun to help the wetlands, I was especially struck at how little the citizens of our country know about the situation that is happening, despite how important it really is. My experience in dulac and the wetlands really opened my eyes to a different type of living style and a problem that definately needs more attention. The problems may not be as immediate, but they are definately equally important to louisiana and the united states as a whole

First day on the job

We are finalllyy in the city of New Orleans. The trip was long because of all the delays, but I woke up this morning anxious and excited to find out what exactly we were going to be doing on this trip. When we arrived at PNOLA I was met with a bunch of people that genuinely care about the great city of New Orleans, whether or not they had lived there… The people all were very knowledgable and inspiring, sharing both their skills and stories with us.
When we arrived at our site it was both sad and amazing to see both what has been done to rebuild and what still needs to be done… Large X’s still marked many of the houses along the street (located in the upper Ninth Ward), showing that many people had not came back to their old homes even four years after the storm. We spent the day painting the interior of a house, which was a new experience for me. At the end of the day, our first job showed me to the reality of the situation in this amazing city and the vast amount of things that still need to be done.

almost headed south

We woke up at 430 am this morning to find out our flight had been delayed 5 hours. Back to bed, but we are finally leaving union for the airport at 1030… I am excited to finally get to the south and start working!