All posts by jasmine nance

First Day

Today was our first offical day in New Orleans and already I’m suprised. Things look bad but not as bad as I predicted at least not yet. We still have more days to go and I’m sure we’ll see worse. In many ways New Orleans looks like Baltimore to me. Back home there are rund down houses and debris every where and there hasn’t been a hurrincane there. And the people are really friendly and approachable. Similar to Baltimore. And similar to the South. Already I’m feeling that Southern hospitality you can’t find anywhere up north. New Orleans seems to me is a place with a hopeful spirit. One of the directors at PNOLA said she was born and raised in New Orleans and that she planed to stay here the rest of her life. And the house we worked on was for two eldery women who were rebuilding and staying in New Orleans. Just in these two examples alone I see a pride in the people of New Orleans that will allow them to continue to survive despite the many adversities they face. There stories make me think that if the same thing a s Katrina happened in Baltimore I know without a doubt I would rebuild.

class discussion

I enjoyed todays discussion, it was very insightful. True the doctors at the Saint Memorial Hospital did have a hard choice to make yet I think we need to hold our doctors, mayor, govenors, federal government officals and military personel accountble for the decisions they make. In order to do that we must first exmaine how we view race, class, age etc. I think its one thing to give a patient an overdose of morphine to ease their suffering or to put them to death if they are in a continual state of pain. But in the case of Emmette Everett, who accordinng to one of the other doctors Pou placed a towel over his head and suffocated him after the morphine did not kill him, that was murder. I don’t care what the situation is no one has the right to murder another person. We have to hold our doctors responsible for there actions by first revaluating our social and racial outlooks as a society. We all need to be held to higher standards. Extreme situation or not our doctors, and elected officals need to be held accountable.

class discussion

I enjoyed todays discussion, it was very insightful. True the doctors at the Saint Memorial Hospital did have a hard choice to make yet I think we need to hold our doctors, mayor, govenors, federal government officals and military personel accountble for the decisions they make. In order to do that we must first exmaine how we view race, class, age etc. I thinks its one thing to give a patient an overdose of morphine to ease their suffering or