All posts by meyere

Ahoy folks,

Today was the first day of our adventures down here in the Big Easy. I have to say, there was a lot more to take in than I thought prior to our departure.  It has been a few years now, and still there is so much work to do.  One thing I did notice while painting in this quaint home in the upper ninth ward today was the attitude of all the locals; still up-beat and lively…which is a great thing to see after knowing about all the destruction and dispair the citizens of New Orleans had to go through. 

I’m exhausted from a hard day’s work, and ready for round two tomorrow…the bell dings  in 12 hours and once again, I’m pumped to get down and dirty.

Stay classy Schenectady,


Let’s go to the Big Easy

So…Pre-New Orleans thoughts:
-can’t wait to wake up at 5am to go to the airport, although the food is going to be AWESOME. No, but really I am absolutely psyched about eating some food in the Big Easy!
-I’m pretty pumped to actually get there instead of talk about it…start to make a difference in the community rather than study it (I’m a pretty hands-on kind of guy Jan)