All posts by pettyp

An update from Dulac

We are still in Dulac and as of now it has not rained at all today, which in my book is a miracle. Besides being shocked by the lack of rain, I cannot believe that there are only a couple of days left on the trip.

So far I am having a wonderful time, and loving the work that we have been doing although at times it has been difficult. At the house in Houma we are working on I have been putting up insulation and dry wall. Last weekend we planted 4000 plants on a patch on land as part of restoration project in the wetlands. At times this work seemed a bit boring and tedious but at the end of the day it was rewarding to see what was a patch of mud covered in plants.

I feel that seeing the owners of the houses we are working on is much more rewarding personally. It is such a great feeling to see the joy and excitement on their faces when they see the work that is being done to their homes. This really makes me feel that what we are doing here is making a difference even if it is only a small difference.

I can’t believe that tomorrow at this time we will be down in New Orleans! I am really excited and can’t wait to get down there. Everything that we’ve been reading and talking about has been really educational even though it is really depressing. However, I feel that once we sart to get involved in the projects things will not be as depressing although there will still be some sadnessed attached to whatever we do.

Like I said before I am really looking forward to getting down to Louisiana and having a wonderful 2 weeks!!