All posts by ramosc

Our Days in Dulac

Our work is just about complete as we approach the final days in Dulac. My group is working on a house in Houma for a Houma Indian family. The family usually stops by once a day to see the progress on their house and are very egar to move in before christmas.  So far we have put up cielings and insulation, but there is much work to be done on the house before they are finally able to move back in. Hopefully the next group of volunteers are able to continue the work that we have done and finish up the house. Life in Dulac (a.k.a LAC) can be very quiet, but it has been a nice change of pace. While staying in Dulac we drove down to Port Fourchon to work with BTNEP. We planted 4,000 plants in order to bring back some land and prevent further erosion.     

first day

We are waiting for our first dinner at the church. Although we were all exhausted from the long trip, we managed to get up in time for breakfest and our morning meeting. Working in the house was an exciting experience especially considering that the houses we were working on were for two sisters that lost their house from Katrina. We did a lot of painting since the house are close to being opened up again. Looking at the different houses on the way to the worksite, we can still see the effects of Katrina. The roads were tough to travel on and a lot of the houses are in no condition to live in. It is exciting to have our dinner now as we get ready for tomorrows work.

Heading to New Orleans

Finally finished packing my stuff for our trip down to NOLA. It will be a very exciting trip as we will get to use our skills that we learned from the Schenectady land trust. Well its off to bed for me as I finish gearing up for an awesome two weeks.