digital resources for students

Social: Twitter: Tips and Talk about using Twitter in Education

Social: Twitter: Tips and Talk about using Twitter in Education

on Oct 17, 2013 in Guides, Social Media |

Twitter has been a popular social site for years and will likely be that way for years to come due to its easy of entry and endless possibilities it offers. Twitter has been becoming a valuable tool in education in the coming years and is exploding more now than ever. The site offers ways people can connect in the educational spectrum like never before and can be used to build a network of increasing opportunities. Here we will discuss ways in which you can be apart of the Twitter community while taking part in your own edification.

Learn the lingo:

Being that Twitter is a micro-blogging site means that there are some ways people discuss information on it that are perhaps foreign to those of us not limited to 140 character posts. Perhaps even read some of the many Twitter users in education’s sites and see how they are managing their blogging. Just make sure before you take part in the community if you take the time and read up on the lingo, you’ll thank yourself in the long run.


You can learn from others:

Twitter isn’t just about managing your own followers and feed of information; it is also about participating and listening to other users. Participate in hashtag conversations, start hashtag conversations of your own, post interesting articles or research papers you are reading, and don’t be afraid to follow people and organizations you are interested in. Participating in “Follow Fridays” can make sure you are connecting with people in your interests and also allow you to get your own brand out there for people to chime into.



Twitter is used around the world and as a result of that means you can connect in ways and situations not possible by normal means. Why work by yourself when there are students and educators across the country who would like to participate in the same conversation as you? This also brings up another important topic: learn some popular tags to use in your posts so that those who are listening in on those conversations can connect with you if they chose.


Extra uses:

While using Twitter to stay up with the news is a major draw to the service it is not the only activity which can take place. Encourage your environments to bring discussions online, share some of your work and start a discussion, live-tweet events you are attending. Above all while on Twitter, or any Internet based service, be gracious. A little gratitude goes a long way and if someone helps you don’t forget to thank them.


I have only brushed the surface of the possibilities and ways Twitter can be used in the educational field. I encourage you to go out on your own and find other ways educational institutions are using Twitter to facilitate their goals in the classroom and beyond.



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