digital resources for students


<p>Resources for GER101/341</p>

Aggregating your resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

Aggregating your resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

on Feb 27, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

Now that you have all of your music, images, videos and narration it is time to put it all together! This is where the programs such as iMove, Windows Movie Maker, Camtasia, and WeVideo come into play. All of the various software listed above have the same general idea behind them. If you know how to use the time-line content area and basic editing tools from one...

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Recording and Gathering resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

Recording and Gathering resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

on Feb 27, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

Now that you have finished your narration it is time to sit down and record! When recording narration don’t ever stop recording just do another take if you don’t like how you said something or you messed up. Edits can be applied to the final recording to take out and put together what sounds best. Remember when recording take your time and speak as if...

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The Script – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

The Script – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

on Feb 27, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

When you begin to create the script you can start by developing a narrative that you can play out in your head. This narrative should be concise enough to tell your friends and family and have them understand the story you are telling. When formulating this story look for places that really give insight into the story you are telling and try to make those sections...

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Digital Storytelling Primer

Digital Storytelling Primer

on Feb 25, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

Hello, now that you sort of know what digital story telling is I am going to go into a little more in depth about how one creates a digital story telling project. As I emphasized before the story you tell is reliant upon the content you attach to it. Don’t worry about the digital aspect of it until you sit down and actually make the video. Since digital story...

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