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Podcasting Series – Practices

Podcasting Series – Practices

on Jun 20, 2014 in Guides, Podcasting |

Below we are going to list out a list of topics to keep in mind when creating podcasts. This list is not comprehensive, but it provides a nice checklist when creating a podcast:


1. Clarity is Key


Keep in mind the purpose of your podcast. Who is your target audience? Are you preparing a long lecture or a short summary of ideas? Will this podcast be used as a review? Or are you developing this podcast for a larger audience? Each of these questions will lead the development of the podcast down a different avenue. It is up to you to decide the reason for the communication and effectively generate a podcast that demonstrates this. Remember: podcasts are always created with the purpose and audience in mind.


2. Preparation!


Having a general outline of talking points close at hand will quickly become extremely helpful. The overview keeps the podcast focused and hopefully prevents unnecessary points being covered.


3. Less is More


If you are beginner consider audio podcasts rather than videos. The process involved is easier to do well and much quicker. Once you are comfortable there take on the videos. Remember that traditional lecture capturing generates podcasts of up to an hour long. Experienced podcasters recommend keeping the podcasts to an average of 10-20 minutes long, as that is the typical length that most people commit.


4. Enthusiasm


Remember that with podcasting your listeners can hear the emotion, or lack of, behind your voice. As with lecturing, if you sounds bored your listeners will be as well. Additionally, keep a conversational tone and avoid reading directly from a script. Even with simple audio recordings smiling while talking will make your voice sound more attractive.


5. Location


Finding a quiet place that is distraction and interruption free will be of high value. In doing this, you can eliminate unwanted noise, which will only lengthen the process. Additionally, becoming comfortable with your location is key for sounding the best during the recordings.


6. Practice


Especially if you are new to podcasting the only way you are to become better is by practicing! Dry runs are encouraged to iron out your ideas and any slip ups that may occur. Also practicing allows you to become familiar with this new way of delivering information.


7. Consider some of the Technical


Technical considerations are important, even if you are not a technical person, but this isn’t saying that one needs expensive equipment. Simply taking the time to learn how to get the highest quality out of your equipment will allow your audience to focus more on the content being presented.


8. Reviewing and Editing


Editing is always necessary even if you believe that your records are perfect. Eliminating strange pauses and establishing a pacing to your podcasts will help in clarity. Unlike live lectures, podcasts will be played over and over and will benefit greatly from careful editing.


9. Learn


You don’t need to reinvent the wheel but you can give it a new painting. There are thousands of people throughout the world doing podcasting with a variety of subjects. Listening to successful podcasts can enable you to create great content. You can look up podcasts on iTunes and SoundCloud for an assortment of examples.


10. Have Fun


As is with most activities you want to be having fun with podcasting! Don’t become too serious with your work but do your best to make the most of it.

In the next segment we are going to walk through the creation of a simple audio podcast and the software you can use during the process.

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