Winter 2019 Supported Project Descriptions

New Zealand Mini-Term

The New Zealand mini-term created an end-of-trip video to tell a story in the context of their group project topic. The videos used footage from their trip in New Zealand of the landscape, wildlife, interviews, and much more.

Project description: “Your story. What do you want to tell? Make it interesting and focused. Don’t try to tell
everything you did and saw in NZ.”

Platform Used: iMovie

FPR-100-09 Bodies in the Water

Blog Instructions:

To keep the conversation going between papers, you will be asked to complete four
posts on our class blog ( and write eight comments (two at a time)p in
response to posts of your peers. You will be assigned to a blog group on the first day of
class (Group 1 or 2) and can consult the attached reading and assignment schedule to see
when your group is responsible for posting or commenting. The goal here is to give you
the opportunity to practice posing questions, articulating and supporting claims, and
responding to counterarguments

Posts: Each post (one per round) should be 1-2 paragraphs long (about 200-400
words) and include the following:
• an engaging title
• an explicit, controversial question about one of the texts, images, or movies
assigned since your last post
• a plausible answer to your question
• at least one piece of evidence (e.g. a quotation) to support your answer
• a “tag” (see Blog instructions) with the appropriate assignment name so I can
find it and give you credit

Platform Used: Wordpress

FPR-100-03 Art and Politics

Podcast Instructions:

The goal of this assignment is to help you to learn to write in a clear, concise, effective, and engaging manner. Your podcasts should be informative and attention grabbing –even the most informative podcast will not hold the listeners’ attention if it is not told in a manner that can raise their curiosity and interest. This is by no means an easy goal to achieve so before starting to write your transcript, I would suggest you to have a look at not only Benjamin’s radio programs but also contemporary podcasts that produce documentary-style audio stories, as heard on Serial, This American Life, 99% Invisible, Planet Money, The Heart, Love and Radio, and Invisibilia (all these are available on iTunes). After listening one or two episodes of these podcasts you will realize that what makes podcasts so appealing and powerful is that fact that they are examples of a contemporary and intimate form of storytelling (we will talk more about storytelling this week!) and like any art form, the form of storytelling has its own norms.

Platform Used: Audacity, Sway

FPR-100-11 The Death and Life of Cities

Students will develop a “dynamic bibliography” for their research paper using the Microsoft Sway app.

The Sway project will contain a minimum of eight resources, including:

  • at least one video
  • at least one map
  • at least one photo

It’s OK to reuse material already appearing in your research paper.

We will devote Week 10 to student presentations–each student will have ten minutes to give a synopsis of their research paper, using the Sway content to support and enhance their argument. Students then have the opportunity to revise and rework their Sway content before submitting a final version on Wednesday, March 20.

Platform Used: Sway

SOC-230-01 Sociology of Black Community 

Assignment: MLK in Schenectady & Union: SWAY Photo Essay: 

Attend the Unity March and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance and take at least four photographs of what you think demonstrates material cultural examples of Unions’ values as it relates to the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King? 
Create a photographic essay that includes your photos and a 2–4 sentence caption for each photo. Your caption should share what is happening in the photo as well as your reaction the assignment questions. 

Platform Used: Sway

SRS-200-08 The Cuban Revolution

Research a topic of their choosing and prepare and present a Mixonium to the class. The Mixonium will use print, image, audio, video and social media sources.

Platform Used: Mixonium

LAS-101-01 Intro. to Latinx, Latin American, and
Caribbean Studies

As explained earlier in class, the main goal of this activity is to produce an analytical, critical, and somewhat
extended commentary on a specific film or visual resource (such as the Mandeville exhibit: A Decolonial Atlas,
Jan 19 – June16, 2019, your third option), using the film itself or video narratives and superimposing strategically
your own voice (voice-over). For this exercise there are different choices, emphasizing different issues, topics,
or questions, depending on the students’ interest(s).

Platform Used: iMovie