Athena Bo

Hi everyone, my name is Athena Bo and I am currently a senior at Union College. I grew up in Hong Kong but I have also lived in Spain, Costa Rica, United States and London. I took IB environmental science in my high school and one topic that fascinated me the most was climate justice. Climate justice is a movement that ¨acknowledges climate change can have differing social, economic, public health, and other adverse impacts on underprivileged populations¨ (Yale Climate Connections) The weight on environmental protection should not weight equally on all countries, rather, the countries that have had reap the benefits of the industrial development (mainly the west) should take the lead in this movement. When I was in Costa Rica, I also got the chance to go to many national parks where I saw the diverse kinds of animals. Costa Rica occupies only 0.03 percent of earth’s land but accounts for 6 percent of the biodiversity of the world. Its environmental effort and its biodiversity is something that more countries should adhere to do. Due to the above reasons, I am really excited to be taking this class.

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