Carbon Dioxide is a powerful greenhouse gas that has been at the center of political discussions surrounding Climate Change. As humans release more CO2 into the atmosphere, the “Greenhouse Effect” causes the earth’s temperature to rise, having devastating consequences for life on earth. While much of the CO2 stays in the atmosphere, a huge amount of the gas is absorbed into our oceans. This has terrible consequences for life on the seas. Coral Reefs have taken the brunt of this damage. Coral Reefs are dying at an increasing rate. This is a major problem because “Coral reefs specifically contribute to more than half of the oxygen our planet relies on, and these are vanishing at an unprecedented rate” (Gannon). This will have terrible consequences for other forms of life, as well as for humans. Unbelievably, “Over 2,838,240 acres of coral reef are lost every year, totaling an area 10x the size of New York City” (Gannon). This is a terrifying figure. Regardless of whether people want to admit that this is going to have terrible consequences for humans, it will. Human beings need to come to the realization that as a global community, we need to figure out a way to reduce the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
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This information is very relevant to touch on. I wonder if you have any exemplary solutions that come to mind for these problems.
It’s so tragic to read about just how much coral is lost each year, especially because it is preventable.
I learned a bit about this in a bio class I took this fall. Hopefully we’ll be able to solve the problem of major coral bleaching soon, because if I remember correctly in 50 years most major coral reefs could be bleached and dead.
The figure you mentioned is truly scary. It is so sad to learn how quickly such beautiful things on our planet are dying and it is sad to think that so soon these reefs will not be here anymore.
I had never realized just how many acres of coral reef are lost each year and that statistic is crazy to see. That statistic just further emphasizes the negative affect that humans are having on the ocean and why we need to take action to change these actions.
The statistic you offered regarding how many acres of coral reef are destroyed each year is stunning; I knew about coral bleaching, but I never knew the rates were so high. Coral reefs are so important and such great losses are truly devastating.