Is Climate Change at a point of no return? The impact of CO2.

The first class that I took which dove deeply into understanding climate change and its routes was AP Environmental Science my junior year of high school. I took that course in 2018 and have not taken many classes since that contain the same overlapping topics. Because it has been a few years since I learned deeply about the climate change, I focused my research for this blog post about how green house emissions have altered since then and whether or not climate change is reversible. In my readings, I learned that before the Paris Climate Agreement of 2014, it was expected that the Earth’s average temperature would increase by roughly 4.2* celsius by the end of the century would which would have proven to be catastrophic. However, with the advanced focus on saving our planet, the curve has shifted downwards in the last few years projecting a 3* increase, which still is dangerous but there is more room still for the curve to shrink. A huge reason for the positive trend in the temperature curve is due to the increasing availability of save and renewable energy sources such as electric cars, solar, and wind options. The worlds average ocean temperature is roughly 17* F which is one of the main sources of projecting the climate change curve. A shift in that temperature of even .25% either direction will reverse the positive shift in the curve. Water temperature as well as temperature on land again is all directly correlated to green house gas emissions and an abundance od CO2 in the atmosphere.




77 thoughts on “Is Climate Change at a point of no return? The impact of CO2.

  1. I had a similar experience to yours about learning about climate change in school, however, I wasn’t really introduced to the topic until my freshman fall in environmental geology, since the professor wanted to enlighten us on the topic. Interesting how I also found some of the same measurements when looking up the information about carbon dioxide.

  2. My last class for environmental science was also a class I took in my last year of high school. Back then I already understood that climate change was pressing, however, after 5 years, I don’t believe that the narration around climate change has changed much. You mentioned the Paris climate agreement, it was pulled out during the presidency of Donald trump in the year 2017, and it had a big impact of attitude change in the United States. I wonder if Biden would be able to change that during this presidency