Can the use of water be problematic?

Almonds are rich in valuable nutrients for your body. It provides the body with magnesium, vitamin E, dietary fibers, calcium and phosphorus. A single serving of almonds makes for a nutritious and filling snack yet is extremely water reliant. One singular almond takes 1.1 gallons of water(Guertin, 1)Nonetheless, water serves no caloric or organic nutrients yet it plays an essential purpose in life.  A common human activity that causes a large quantity of water waste is showers. Having a limit on the time taken in the shower, controlling water pressure and how quickly the water shoots out the showerhead are suggestions to not overuse water. 

Bottled water is so popular because it is considered more “pure”, convenient, and it is relatively cheap. The cons to bottled water and climate change are the plastic use and how it is literally a liter. Nonetheless, bottled water takes 450 years to decompose. I would estimate that the water bottle consumption at the Union College campus is about 2000 bottles per day because there is a range of 2000 students.


77 thoughts on “Can the use of water be problematic?

  1. I didn’t know about how much water almonds use! It is crazy how such simple things use so many more resources than we would think.

  2. Your estimates on bottled water usage at our college is very eye opening and makes me think about just how vast the plastic water bottle consumption is! Also, the amount of water that goes into producing almonds is much more than I thought it would be, which is so interesting!

  3. This is a really good point, and I think it’s especially important given how relevant it is to our particular corner of the world. Thanks for sharing 🙂