Less than 2% of the Earth’s water is fresh water, and only 1% of it is drinkable water. The resources are limited. However, based off the class activities we did last week about the estimation of water usage in our daily life. We are barely aware of how much water is being used each day, directly or indirectly by us. As I wrote in my last post, most of the water that is indirected used by us is the water dedicated to the agriculture of animals — which is the food consumed by us. Knowing your stat is incredibly important, aiming to save water through flushing less is simply not an effective or informed way to water reservation. It takes 1847 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef vs 39 gallons of water for vegetables. Imagine how much water you could save if you participate in green-monday once a week? you could never save that amount of water through flushing. Therefore, I believe that the most important aspect of our education in environmental protection is to know our stats, and be informed about the most effective ways to save water.
Think H20, https://www.thinkh2onow.com/water_conservation_facts.php
This is so interesting, as I often think of water as this vast resource, but really, the amount of usable, drinkable water is much less than we think. It really makes me think more about just how important it is to reduce our water waste.
I never really thought about just how much water goes into the food we eat. This is really a strong point about what we can do as individuals to increase the amount of water we can save through small actions.