Solar and Wind Energy Working Together To Make A Difference

Solar and Wind are both good forms of renewable energy. Very recently, during the first week of this month, photovoltaic energy (a form of Solar Energy) broke records in the Spanish, Italian, and French markets. This energy along with wind energy helped lower the prices of energy in most European Electricity markets.

The first week of April ended with a general increase in solar energy production compared to the previous week. In the Spanish Energy Market, the hourly photovoltaic energy production record was broken on April 7 with 11 313 MWh. On April 10th, the highest production in history was registered in the French market, at 8788 MWh. The Italian market reached the highest production with this technology since July 2014, with 12 310 MWh on the same day April 10th.

The increase in production in the Italian market was 48% and in the French market was 24%, compared to the previous week. In the German market, the increase in solar energy production was 11%.

Solar PV Energy Breaks Records & Together With Wind Energy Lowers European Electricity Markets Prices

85 thoughts on “Solar and Wind Energy Working Together To Make A Difference

  1. Wind and solar are incredible forms of renewable energy, also I have noticed that they came in more shapes and forms, like on top of a car, or as an iPhone portable charger. there’s so much potential in this

  2. It is so cool to hear about new advancements with solar and other renewable energy sources!

  3. I wasn’t aware of this form of solar energy, but it’s great to see that it broke records in the European Electricity markets! Seeing an increase in renewable energy use is always a good thing!