One of the first things that has come to my mind on the topic of sustainability is the concept of energy conservation. This can be accomplished in many ways, and through many different forms. For example, some ways to conserve energy could be turning off the lights when you are not home, turning down the heat in the winter at night time or turning down the air conditioner om the summer when you go to bed. These simple things can make a large impact on your own personal footprint. For the purpose of this blog we will focus on the amount of energy that can be saved by simply turning off the lights. Lets say that a incandescent light bulb is graded for 60 watts. This light bulb will use approximately .06 kilowatts of energy per hour while it is on. Over time this adds up not only in energy use but also in money to pay the bill. If you were to turn off that bulb there would be a 100% decrease in energy obviously, with a decay factor of 1.0. This seems like it is so obvious, yet not enough of us are doing this. In the long run turning off your bulb is not only incredibly helpful for the environment but also for your wallet. When thinking about sustainability it is the little things that we have to do that will make an impact. If we are able to do the small things like I have listed above it will be beneficial for all.
I like how you mentioned how effective it can be to do small daily tasks which in the long run will be impactful to the greater environment. Another example, in addition to the ones you shared, could be turning off the sink while brushing your teeth. Even that adds up in the long run to reduce water use.
I like how you briefly mentioned the relationship between energy conservation and how it can save you money. It surprised me to see that lightbulb take up a lot of energy. Thank you for sharing that.
This was a good read because it focused on what the individual could do to help live more sustainability. You did a good job making it clear that individual effects like turning off the lights will make a big difference.
I think what you are saying is very true that we can make a big difference simply by turning off lights and doing the little things. It is so easy to forget to turn off lights, and I have noticed that when at school, many people don’t seem to think about conserving energy because it is “at the expense” of Union. However this is the wrong mentality to get into.
Good work man, Energy Conservation is a great way to be sustainable.