Don’t get me wrong, we are already experiencing a lot of extreme climate these days to know that climate change will impact every single of us on the planet. These extreme climate includes wild fire, ice melts, global sea level rise, high precipitation, high heat, etc. If we don’t save the environment now, it will come back to haunt us without a doubt. people in charged used to say ¨the next generation will figure it out.¨ well, we are the generation they are talking about. We are in our early 20s. We are the generation that will suffer the consequences that our older generation left us. We don’t have the privilege or the entitlement to say, let’s leave it to the next generation.
In addition to that, we also have to move away from the egoistic point of view and think about the next generation to come. The next generation of people deserve a world of better economic equality, development opportunity, and a good quality of life. Depriving them of these resources for a dignified life is irresponsible. Environmental justice can not only be about the people whoa re currently living on this earth, but the people that will inhibit earth. We need to think about them
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I agree with your point that when it comes to climate change, we can not leave it to the next generation any longer. I have also never thought of leaving climate change to the next generation as an egotistical thing, but you are totally right and it is.
I agree completely with what you are saying. I think that it is difficult for people to change their lifestyle today, for people that don’t even exist yet. I think it is Human nature to only think about your present situation, which makes it really difficult to combat. But it is possible
I also agree with you. It is selfish of us to assume that climate change is going to be an issue for the next generation to fix when we can begin to take preventative steps today in our own lives to benefit the lives of generations to come.
I completely agree, it is so important to stop putting off doing something about climate change, thinking it can just wait till later. Waiting for the next generation to do something about climate change is lazy, irresponsible and cruel, considering we know it is an issue right now.
We are our future. I love how hopeful, informative, and convincing this was constructed . Thank you for sharing your thoughts.