Never Pay for Gas Again

One engine for carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere has to be the driving of cars to various locations. With millions of people needing to drive to work or other activities this leaves the atmosphere and our planet earth taking the hit. It is determined that every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of carbon dioxide. Now think about how many cars are on the road and how many people go through gallons of gasoline everyday, week, month, and year. The typical car releases 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year and this is an extreme amount. If we can reduce the amount of vehicles on the road this problem can be solved. One way to solve this is to turn to electric vehicles. Many high end brands such as Tesla and Audi have developed electric cars but those certainly are not affordable for millions of people in America. Recently cheaper, more affordable car companies are producing electric cars such as Toyota and Nissan. If Americans can become aware of the environment and the emissions of Carbon Dioxide they could be interested in investing in an electric car. Not to mention the extremely expensive gas prices all throughout the U.S., whereas electric cars require no gas. For those that do not have interest in electric cars, there are several other options to protect this earth such as carpooling, trains, and biking. Not every single American will listen to these suggestions, but little at a time I hope America can transform into an electric car dominated country.



9 thoughts on “Never Pay for Gas Again

  1. Driving cars is extremely detrimental to our atmosphere. This is most of our population’s worldwide use of transportation. It’s interesting to know much metric ton of carbon dioxide is used per year.

  2. Oh yeah, I think in the future America will become an electric car country because of the convenience of not having to pay for gas. Electric cars are a big deal man.

  3. I think that electric cars and charging stations are gonna become more and more accsable with time. If you remember the SuperBowl commercials almost all the car companies were advertising an electric cars.

  4. I think this raises a really good point, but if the cars aren’t made in a sustainable way nor if the energy for the car is acquired in a sustainable way, it’s pretty much for nothing. Instead, I think improving public transport is an advancement we should be focusing on more 🙂 Less cars, more bikes, buses, and trains! They’re more sustainable overall.

  5. I wonder the enviromental impact of what it takes to build and upkeep roads. Are cars sustainable in the long run?

  6. O Pin-Up Cassino oferece um amplo leque de opçÔes e apostas para jogar o Jogo do Bicho, tornando a experiĂȘncia de jogo mais variada e interessante. NĂŁo importa quais sejam suas preferĂȘncias de jogo, vocĂȘ sempre encontrarĂĄ aqui algo adequado para vocĂȘ. Esta variada seleção de opçÔes de jogo atende Ă s necessidades dos diferentes jogadores e torna o jogo um verdadeiro prazer.

  7. This article presents a thought-provoking perspective on the impact of gas-powered vehicles on our environment. It’s truly eye-opening to consider the significant amount of carbon dioxide released by cars daily, which has a substantial effect on our planet. The author brings up the growing availability of electric cars from various manufacturers, making them more accessible to a broader audience. This is a crucial step in promoting eco-friendly transportation options. Additionally, the article highlights alternative methods like carpooling, trains, and biking, which can also contribute to reducing carbon emissions. It’s essential for all of us to become more aware of our environmental impact and consider adopting these sustainable practices. Let’s hope for a future where electric cars become the norm and help us protect our precious Earth.
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