Unequal Access to Education

Every child has a right to an education, however millions across the globe do not have access to education (this is not to mention the children who do have access to a low quality education). According to 2012 numbers, 120 million children were not enrolled in elementary school or middles school, with 50 million of those children living in Sub-Saharan Africa. Education is the key to improving communities and societies, without it, poverty lines increase and social mobility becomes harder. The chart below shows the number of children not enrolled in elementary of middle school in the year 2000 compared to the year 2012 across the world. The green bars indicate female children not enrolled in school while the blue bars represent male children not enrolled in school. As you can see, it is more common for girls to not be enrolled in school than it is for boys, which is another social injustice. More work needs to be done to ensure that children have access to quality education!


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