Intro – Emily Deyst

Hi, my name is Emily, and I am a sophomore psychology major and Spanish minor. Sustainability to me means making sure to take care of the Earth, and to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. I want to help sustain and maintain the presence of natural resources without taking more than I give. I think minimizing human impact on the environment is critical, and that we should all try to do our part to leave the world  better than how we found it. I am taking this class because I want to learn more about sustainability, and the class looks really interesting. 

14 thoughts on “Intro – Emily Deyst

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  2. Emily’s personal connection to sustainability and her eagerness to learn more about the subject in the class are truly commendable. Her dedication to making a positive impact on the environment serves as an inspiration for others to consider their role in preserving our planet.khalidelarbi———-business for sale

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