Introduction to Matteo

My name is Matthew Pascazio and Matteo is just a cool nickname. I’m an excellent musician and a great student. I graduated from Suny Schenectady County Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Performing Arts: Music and a Music Certificate. I graduated with a 3.4 (Pie) grade point average. I play the pipe organ, harpsichord, piano, and I compose music. I’m a big fan of college hockey (Go Union!) and rock & roll music. My favorite band is The Scorpions. Everyone buy and enjoy their new album “Rock Believer”, it’s absolutely awesome!

I love cooking and baking that’s why you see me in the kitchen.

So I’m all about music. I have 0 experience with or knowledge of Math of Sustainability. I will work smart and hard to get at least a C.

The Pipe Organ is powered by wind which is a sustainable form of energy.

87 thoughts on “Introduction to Matteo

  1. Wow, you have a ton of musical experience! Never would’ve thought of the pipe organ as a sustainbale form of energy so that’s an interesting idea.