Housing Disparities Reveal Racial Discrimination

Safe and affordable housing is a primary concern to almost every single person living in the United States.  However, there are many disparities in the current housing system in the United States that reveal deeper levels of racism and discrimination.  As the graphs below show, the financial status and net worth of different races are shown.  The important thing to understand is that while financial status is the here and now, net worth is even more important since that becomes generational wealth for the future.  Nationally, black households only earned 61 cents per $1 of white households.  This disparity significantly affects the ability to afford housing and this form of racism persists over generations.  A black family is 16 times more likely than white families to experience 3 generations of poverty.  Even when both races make similar poverty-level wages, white households have an average net worth of $18,000 in savings while black families have either no savings or negative.  These racial disparities all play into housing issues.  When the recession hit in 2008, black and hispanic families that were approved for loans were 2.4 times more likely to receive a subprime(loans for people deemed to have difficulty paying back a loan) than white families.  Income and net worth are massive factors pertaining to housing and the differences between races in these areas emphasize racial discrimination that heavily affects non-white households’ ability to own a home and secure money for themselves and future generations.

Works Cited:





The impact of food insecurities

Social justice is fairness as it manifests in society. That includes fairness in healthcare, employment, housing, and more. Whilst some societies focus on maximizing social justice one of the major areas that they are lacking is the availability of food. “Food insecurities” as it is defined refers to a lack of available financial resources for food at the household level. This article, Feeding America states that   “Hunger + Health explores the impact of food insecurity as a social determinant of health and its effect on individual and population health outcomes” This demonstrates that the availability of food impacts individuals in an unfair way, all of which include race, socioeconomic positions, along with the area that you live in. These factors contribute to the issue of how a lack of food can negatively impact a person’s life. Another article by Feeding America elaborates on the effects of hunger. Food insecurities can have a devastating effect on a child’s development. These effects include chronic illnesses such as  asthma,  anemia, and other behavioral problems. These  Behavioral problems include hyperactivity, anxiety, and aggression in school-age children. This is detrimental to both their mental and physical state and it is exemplary of the consequence of facing food insecurities,  economic challenges, and hunger.  This may contribute to secondary effects such as academic achievement and future economic prosperity. The Gw Hatchet publication has put out an article investigating the proportionality of food insecurities between white and non-white students on a college campus. With that being said, the data below demonstrates the correlation between race and food insecurities. “About half or more of nonwhite individuals face food insecurities while only 31 percent of white individuals face food insecirities. “ This evidence brings emphasis to racial and socioeconomic disparities that globally occur and create a disproportional availability of resources in low class communities compared to middle and high class communities.


Recognizing the Gender Wage Gap

The gender wage gap is something that lawmakers have tried to address through legislation, such as the Equal Pay Act, however it is still a very prevalent problem in America. Today, a woman earns about 79 cents for every dollar that a man earns. This is clearly unfair and shows that gender discrimination is still impacting individuals despite the progress and the attempts to close this wage gap. Women of color specifically earn the least when compared to the wages of men and white women. This may be due to the intersectionality of the identities of women of color (including gender and race), further proving that race and gender are factors that unfairly impact earnings. For example, Hispanic women earn only 55% of the earnings of men. This large gender wage gap is a clear example of unequal treatment based on gender in today’s society. It has been predicted that the gender wage gap will hopefully be closed by 2059. While this is great, the current wage gap (as shown in the following bar charts) is something that is actively impacting every woman and marginalized identity group right now without a quick fix to refocus professional earnings on talent rather than gender.

citations: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/03/these-5-charts-show-how-big-the-pay-gap-is-between-men-and-women/

Income Inequality in America

Income inequities have always been around in the United States. Yet, over the past few decades the gap has grown. As seen in the pie charts you can see that since 1989 the top ten percent of income earners have grown 8% totaling a total 50% of all of the income in the United states. In 2016 the bottom 50% of income earners made between $0-53,000, the middle 50%-90% made between $53,000-$176,000, and the top ten percent make over $176,000 people.  The inequities are clear. What the chart doesn’t show is what percent of the wealth that the 1% have. According to Smart Asset, a personal finance website, the 1% makes nearly $600,000 a year, which shows that there is are huge inequalities among the top 10%.



Food Insecurity- Issue of Equity

As a Sociology major, looking at the ways in which different social justice issues affect individuals isn’t new to me. However, what is new to me is looking at these issues through a mathematical lens. The issue of food insecurity and hunger is not just an issue surrounding food, but an issue surrounding equity. Consider the following chart;

The information on this chart shows that the rate of White college students facing food insecurity is 36%, which is quite high. However, other demographics have even higher percentages. Hispanic college students food insecurity rate is 47%, Black is college students rate is 54% and Indigenous college students rate is 60%. This data shows that food insecurity is an issue of racial equality and equity.

One of the main contributing factors to the difference of food insecurity among demographics is the difference in pay wages. Consider another chart below;

This chart displays that no matter the level of education, White employees will be paid more than Black and Hispanic workers. When an individual is paid more, they have more access to purchase food and avoid food insecurity. Hence, White workers being paid more definitely contributes to White individuals having the lowest rate of food insecurity among college students, compared to Black, Indigenous and Hispanic college students.

Lastly, as we have previously discussed, healthier food options are more expensive than unhealthy food options, such as fast food chains (McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, etc). With this in mind, families of lower income are going to be more likely to eat at fast food restaurants given the low prices. Consider this last data set;

This data shows that the rate of obesity among White students is only 29.3% while it is 35.9% among Black children and 38.2% among Hispanic children. This makes sense given everything that has been discussed thus far in this blog. Eating cheap fast food more often will result in higher obesity rates. The way that poverty can have an affect on so many other factors such as physical and mental health displays how capitalistic our society truly is.

Racial Disparities Amongst Youth in the US Prison Systems

There is a huge disparity in the disproportionate amount of African Americans that are incarcerated each year in the United States. This has been a long withstanding issue in America, but the issue itself has gained a lot of media attention, especially in recent years, due to current events that have taken place within the past five years or so. The staggering gap between racial identities that face imprisonment is alarming, and when applied with qualitative data, it becomes even more appalling.

This post is from the Census Bureau, and is as recent as 2019. It is a comparison between the percent that youth under that age of 18 from different racial demographics make up in the larger population compared with their respective incarceration rates. White youth make up approximately 72% of the population living in the United States (under the age of 18), and are 62% of juvenile imprisonments. There is a 10% buffer there. Hispanic youth/youth of other races account for around a quarter of the population under the age of 18, and make up 23% of juvenile imprisonments. Comparatively, black youth make up just 15% of their age pool, but are a whopping 35% percent of underage imprisonments/arrests. They account for 20% more of imprisonments than they do in comparison to their percentage of the populationThis is a staggering statistic, and speaks to the immense issue that is present with respect to racial disparities and the prison system. And this is just in regards to kids under the age of 18.

Sources cited:


U.S. Health Care Affordability in 2020

This article looks at health insurance coverage for adults in America during the first half of 2020. This article presents results from the Commonwealth Fund’s latest Biennial Health Insurance Survey, which assesses the extent and quality of coverage for U.S. working-age adults. The survey began in 2001 and has three measures to gauge the adequacy of insurance coverage. The first is whether or not people have insurance. The second is if they have insurance and whether they experienced a gap in coverage in the prior year. The third is whether high out-of-pocket costs and deductibles are causing them to be underinsured, despite having continuous coverage throughout the year.

The survey for this article began in January of 2020. A nationally representative sample of 4,272 adults ages 19 to 64 was interviewed about their health insurance coverage through June 5.

The article gives important highlights of the survey, explains who is underinsured, and gives a graph that shows the percentage change of people that are underinsured over ten years.

The article goes on to present many graphs that present the percentage of ethnic groups who are uninsured, the change over time of adults in employer plans that are underinsured, change over time of the percentage of adults with a share of private insurance with deductibles of $1,000 or more, the percentage of people with inadequate insurance coverage that have more problems paying medical bills, the percentage of medical debt that leaves people with lingering financial problems, the percentage of uninsured or underinsured adults who often avoid or delay getting needed health care and medications, the percentage of people with higher deductibles who report financial problems more frequently because of medical bills or delaying care because of cost, then finally the percentage of adults who look for but do not buy plans in the individual market or marketplaces cite because of affordability.

The article concludes by explaining how the study was conducted.

This article and information relate to Social Injustice by showing the high uninsured rates of ethnic groups. The uninsured rates of black and Latino people are much higher than the uninsured rate of white people.




Sustainable Energy creating JOBS!

Sustainable/renewable energy is a fairly new infrastructure and is still being implemented on small scale. However, renewable energy is the industry of the future. Within New York State alone they are planning on using “Clean Energy and Offshore Wind, Projects Are Expected to Reduce the City’s Fossil Fuel Use for Electricity by More Than 80 Percent in 2030”. Through these many projects, there is a demand for labor where it is proposed that these projects are expected to directly create more jobs. According to the 2019 Clean Energy Report (2019), New York State has already created 160,000 clean energy jobs and has been increasing since. With a 10% growth in the industry from 2016 to 2019. This shows the opportunity that installing clean energy in our communities will have on improving job growth and together improving our communities economically and environmentally.







Fast Fashion and It’s Consequences

Many companies involved in fast fashion and unsustainable practices use outdated and less eco-friendly processes to produce their goods. A a result of these outdated manufacturing practices, the carbon footprint of many clothing brands are alarmingly high. Fast fashion caters to increasingly high levels of supply and demand, so the products are over produced, and then retailers buy them at exceedingly high prices. Whatever is left over are usually disposed of unethically, rather than being donated or up-cycled. Brands like AerieShe-in, and the like are some of the biggest contributors to this issue. However, there are viable, and fun alternative solutions to this issue that not only are sustainable, they’re also very much within current fashion trends and practices. As mentioned earlier, up cycling is not only an alternative option, it’s also affordable. Thrifting is also a popular alternative, and it’s also way more affordable than buying at full price in-store. Savers, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army are all large and fairly well known companies that utilize thrifting practices. There are several benefits to thrifting and buying clothes which include, but are not limited too, lesser levels of air pollution, less waste production, and healthier oceans. It turns out that polyester, which is used in many fabrics, doesn’t decompose in water, and instead just adds to the pollution of our oceans. Strikingly enough, people throw away 60-80 pounds, on average, of unwanted clothing over the course of their lifetimes. The fashion industry also contributes to ~10% of global carbon emissions. So, it is not unfair to state that thrifting is, in fact, good for the environment, and it’s also wicked fun.





Food Waste: A Major Problem

Often when we throw out leftovers, or walk through a grocery store with many unsold items set to expire the next day, we don’t think anything of it.  To many people, food waste is just another part of life; however, it is actually a major problem which is growing every year.  Wasted food is defined as food not used for its intended purpose; common examples include uneaten prepared food and plate waste.  While some uneaten food is donated to feed people, much of it ends up in landfills.  The amount of food wasted each year is great, as according to the EPA, “ about 63 million tons of wasted food were generated in the commercial, institutional, and residential sectors, with about 32 percent being managed by animal feed, bio-based materials/biochemical processing, codigestion/anaerobic digestion, composting, donation, land application, and sewer/wastewater treatment” in 2018.  So, just how much food is 63 million tons? According to an estimate from The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2011, about ⅓ of all food produced for human consumption is wasted.  Food waste is a large global issue and continues to be pervasive to today.

In order to combat the issue of food waste, there are some methods that can be employed in our day-to-day lives.  For instance, to help quell food waste at home, you can pay extra attention to what you buy in the grocery store; do not buy in bulk unless you know you can consume all of the items before they go bad.  Learn how to store produce correctly, so it lasts longer and less food has to be thrown away. Plan what you are going to eat during the week before you go shopping, so none of your food goes to waste.  If we all try to employ these habits in our daily lives and are a little more conscious when it comes to food waste, we can help to minimize a major sustainability issue.


