Because nothing says “romance” like a big pot of spicy stew, the Department of Physics and Astronomy will hold a chili cook-off this Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th. Faculty members will cook their best chili recipes, and students and faculty are invited to taste them all and vote for their favorite.
The cook-off will be at noon, in the break room, just off the Department office. Bring your appetite!
The Department of Physics and Astronomy will have a potluck luncheon on October 30th. In honor of Halloween, the dishes for the luncheon should be scary, or at the very least, orange.
Planned dishes include chili, Thai chicken, and roast turkey (which isn’t all that scary, but what can you do?). Lunch will be at noon in the department lounge. All are welcome.
On October 25th, students and faculty from the First-Year Seminar (Physics 100) class went to dinner at Sitar, a local Indian restaurant and department favorite. Eleven of the twelve students, and four of the five faculty came to dinner, and feasted on reshmi kebab, lamb vindaloo, chicken tikka masala and the ever-popular “special naan.”
On October 9th, 2007 the Union College chapter of the Society of Physics Students organized a bus trip to Boston. Nine students and two faculty from the department spent the morning visiting the MIT Museum, where they played with an interactive topographic mapping system (seen at left), and saw exhibits on the history of robotics at MIT and a display of kinetic sculpture.
After lunch, the group visited the research group of Wolfgang Ketterle, who shared the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on Bose-Einstein Condensation. The students received tours of two of the Ketterle labs, before splitting up to spend the afternoon in Boston.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy will have a potluck luncheon on September 18th. The official foods of September are (according to Google):
Wild Rice
Dishes for the luncheon should involve these items, and will include “Mormon Funeral Potatoes,” “Wild, Wild Rice,” and “Wild, Wild Chicken.” Lunch will be at noon in the department lounge. All are welcome
News and Events in Union College Physics and Astronomy