Union-Coached Students Win Science Bowl Award

Students involved in the college’s Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) won a Spirit Award for enthusiasm and sportsmanship at the recent regional Science Bowl Competition in Rochester.

Senior [Physics major] Matt Roginski, an Obenzinger Scholar for the Kenney Community Center, coached the two teams of Schenectady High School students four days a week since November to prepare for the competition.

ā€œIā€™m extremely proud of both teams,ā€ said Roginski. “They have all come such a long way in their understanding of the sciences.ā€

From the Union College Chronicle

Article by Prof. Surman in Physical Review D

An article by Rebecca Surman, associate professor of Physics, appears in the journal, Physical Review D. “Supernova Neutrinos: The Accretion Disk Scenario” is co-authored by G.C. McLaughlin of North Carolina State University. Surman presented this and other work in a plenary talk at the international nuclear astrophysics meeting, “Nuclei in the Cosmos IX,” in Geneva, Switzerland last summer.

(From the Union College Chronicle)