digital resources for students

Posts by doylew

Podcasting Series – Practices

Podcasting Series – Practices

on Jun 20, 2014 in Guides, Podcasting |

Below we are going to list out a list of topics to keep in mind when creating podcasts. This list is not comprehensive, but it provides a nice checklist when creating a podcast:   1. Clarity is Key   Keep in mind the purpose of your podcast. Who is your target audience? Are you preparing a long lecture or a short summary of ideas? Will this podcast be used...

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Podcasting Series – Introduction

Podcasting Series – Introduction

on Jun 20, 2014 in Guides, Podcasting |

        Podcasting is the result of publishing information, typically in audio or video form, and allowing individuals to subscribe and receive new updates. It is meant to be a simple way to produce and share information and ideas. This purpose makes podcasting an easy tool to implement into a classroom. Podcasting only requires a computer, microphone and an...

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Prezi basics – Getting started

Prezi basics – Getting started

on Mar 5, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Guides, Prezi, SOC305 |

So, you thought about doing something different with your presentations and decided on using Prezi, well you are in the right place. I will guide you through some basic Prezi features that will make you look sharp come time to show off your work. The most attractive part of Prezi is the non-linear presentation format it presents to the viewers. No more do you need...

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Aggregating your resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

Aggregating your resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

on Feb 27, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

Now that you have all of your music, images, videos and narration it is time to put it all together! This is where the programs such as iMove, Windows Movie Maker, Camtasia, and WeVideo come into play. All of the various software listed above have the same general idea behind them. If you know how to use the time-line content area and basic editing tools from one...

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Recording and Gathering resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

Recording and Gathering resources – Digital Storytelling Tutorial

on Feb 27, 2014 in Archived Support, Courses, Digital Story Telling, GER, Guides |

Now that you have finished your narration it is time to sit down and record! When recording narration don’t ever stop recording just do another take if you don’t like how you said something or you messed up. Edits can be applied to the final recording to take out and put together what sounds best. Remember when recording take your time and speak as if...

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