This week was when I tested how well the Arduino worked with my force sensitive resistors. Thanks to Professor Buma, he reminded me of the importance of testing each step in the design process. So this week, I connected my circuit with just one input to both the Arduino and the Oscilloscope. I did 4 different scenarios and 10 tests each. Each test I would take the duration value from my Arduino and the duration value from the Oscilliscope. With the Oscilloscope as the theoretical value and the Arduino as the actual value, I calculated the percent error for each test. See the table below for the calculated values:
Scenario | Mean
Percent Error |
Standard Deviation |
Walk | 2.17% | 1.73% |
Two Foot Jump | 3.77% | 1.9% |
Bounce | 4.01% | 2.13% |
Hard Hit | 6.62% | 2.84% |
The overall mean percent error came out to be 4.14%.