Week six is when I finally hooked up my Arduino to the system and uploaded the final code. And nothing worked! I tested the code with three inputs before putting the prototype together and also made sure my soldered circuit was correct. I took a multi meter and started testing different parts of the system. It turns out that the FSR’s are extremely sensitive. I was feeding the wires to the Arduino under the sensors. Because the FSR’s are so sensitive, the wires were causing the FSR’s to have a large decrease in resistance meaning the output voltage was always on high. To fix this problem, I re-fed the wires outside of the system. Ideally, a machine would be able to feed the wires in between the 3 FSR’s, but my hands could not do that! With the wires along the outside and color tape carefully applied on top of the FSR’s, the final prototype looked like this (and worked!):
Also this week, I set up a time with the Union College Volleyball Team to test the system next week.