Consulting and Advising


OLRC (Open Language Resource Center)-Kansas University, Advisory board

NFLRC (National Foreign Language Resource Center) Mentoring Program for PBLL, mentor

College Level

MLA ADFL Consultancy, Asian Languages and Literatures Department, U. of Vermont

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY  language teaching and virtual gaming

Universidad Internacional (UNINTER) Cuernavaca, Mexico. Chino Básico: Spanish-based first year Chinese language curriculum

K-12 Level

Schenectady Public School District, Schenectady, NY. Chinese language curriculum for 5-8 grade, including language framework, scope and sequence, unit plans and assessments,  2009

Chinese Language proficiency exam for Checkpoint C of the New York State, using Regents Exam criteria and format. Exam distributed to Chinese high school language teachers in the Capital District for piloting, 2009.

Chinese Language proficiency exam for Checkpoint A of the New York State, using Proficiency Exam criteria and format. Exam distributed to Chinese high school language teachers in the Capital District for piloting, 2009.

Amherst Pelham Regional Schools, Amherst, NY. Evaluator implementation of Chinese K-5 and 6-12 language programs on a 3-year FLAP (Foreign Language Assistance Program, US government) grant, January 2007-2009.

Teacher Certification

NYSTECE (New York State Teacher Certification Examination) LOTE: Mandarin Content Specialty Test Item Review Conference, 2014.