Selections from Photography 3: Color Digital Photography

January 24th – April 1st, 2013

Chelsea Baptiste, A Perfect Imperfection, 2012, Color Digital Print

Chelsea Baptiste, A Perfect Imperfection, 2012, color digital print

This exhibition features works by six Union College students: Chelsea Baptiste, Elizabeth Cohen, Charlotte Lehman, Hallie Manheim, Alexandra Napp, and Kaitlyn Thoen.

Taking Professor Martin Benjamin’s photography courses sparked an interest in the medium for several of the exhibitors. Others came from family backgrounds deeply immersed in photography. All have become adept at expressing their unique perspectives from behind the lens.

At times, working on their projects led the students towards discoveries about themselves, evidenced by their choice of subject matter, as projects began and ended with very different intents. Whether focusing on form, beauty, or ideals, the photographers hoped to convey a message about their subjects, but, in turn, allow viewers to grasp something of their own make-up.

Opening Reception

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

5 – 7PM

At the Nott Memorial