How to add a post

On top menu, click + New > Post, and in the same post space, you can upload a picture of you using “Add Media”.

117 thoughts on “How to add a post

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  10. HR Recruitment Software is software used by a company’s HR (human resources) department to manage and monitor the entire recruitment process, from placing job advertisements to making decisions about candidates to be hired.

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  12. HR Recruitment Software is software used by a company’s HR (human resources) department to manage and monitor the entire recruitment process, from placing job advertisements to making decisions about candidates to be hired.

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  14. ATS Recruitment Software is a type of software used by recruiters and hiring managers to manage the hiring process. ATS recruitment software helps automate various recruitment-related tasks, such as posting job vacancies online, checking candidate qualifications, tracking applicant status, scheduling interviews, and more.

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  17. What is CRM software ? CRM software is a powerful tool that enables businesses to build and maintain strong relationships with their customers. It centralizes customer data, streamlines communication, and helps companies better understand and meet the needs of their customers, ultimately driving growth and success.

  18. Automated lead generation software is a tool designed to streamline the process of identifying and capturing potential customers for businesses. By utilizing various automated techniques such as web scraping, email marketing, and social media outreach, these software programs can quickly generate leads and provide valuable data on customer behavior and preferences.

  19. cloud based crm software, also known as cloud CRM or CRM as a service, refers to a customer relationship management system that is hosted on remote servers and accessed through the internet. This type of software enables businesses to manage customer interactions and data from any device or location with an internet connection.

  20. what is crm software? is a type of software application that is designed to help businesses manage interactions with their customers and improve customer relationships. It typically includes features such as contact management, sales management, marketing automation, and customer service management, all aimed at centralizing customer data and facilitating communication between businesses and their customers.

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  25. Software Toko Retail adalah sebuah program aplikasi komputer yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu pengelolaan bisnis toko retail. Dengan menggunakan software ini, pengguna dapat mengelola berbagai aspek bisnis, seperti inventaris, penjualan, pengiriman, dan pembayaran. Selain itu, software toko retail juga menyediakan fitur analisis data dan pelaporan yang membantu pengguna dalam membuat keputusan bisnis yang lebih baik.

  26. Aplikasi Pencatat Keuangan adalah sebuah program aplikasi komputer atau aplikasi mobile yang dirancang untuk membantu pengguna dalam mengelola dan mencatat pengeluaran dan pemasukan keuangan pribadi atau bisnis. Aplikasi ini membantu pengguna dalam melacak pengeluaran dan pemasukan, mengatur anggaran, dan membuat laporan keuangan.

  27. aplikasi untuk stok barang adalah program aplikasi komputer yang digunakan untuk mengelola stok barang pada sebuah toko atau perusahaan. Aplikasi ini membantu pengguna untuk memonitor stok barang, mengelola pengiriman dan penerimaan barang, serta membuat laporan tentang keadaan stok barang.

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