John Brockway Intro

My name is John Brockway, but I like to go by Jack.  I am a junior Political Science major here at Union.  I am from West Hartford, Connecticut.  In my free time I enjoy watching both soccer and baseball, hanging out with my friends, as well as going fishing in lakes and rivers.  My understanding of sustainability is that the world is facing a crisis on multiple fronts stemming from the impact humans have made on the environment.  I have seen first hand while fishing the impact that humans have had on our rivers lakes and oceans.  I hope to learn in this class how to create more sustainable practices to achieve a better future for future generations, as well as learning new skills in the realm of Mathematics.  I also hope to learn a way to make an impact myself on all of the above mentioned things.  Thank You!

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About John Brockway

Hello my name is Bian Jie-kai. I am from Chongqing. My father is an artisan craftsman and my mother is a home maker. I have two brothers one older and one younger. I attended Peking University where I studied Journalism.

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