Justin Aguirre

My name is Justin Aguirre and I am a sophomore who’s currently undeclared, but who is looking to complete perhaps a poli sci major. I am from New York and a fun fact about me is that I have a puppy named Hudson. I think about sustainability on a micro level in the hopes of inspiring those around me to inspire those around them to make a sustainable change. For me, that just means recycling what I know to be recyclable like plastic bottles, cardboard boxes. Additionally, it means trip planning more precisely. While nothing will ever be perfectly green, I think smaller actions have the potential for larger and planet positive consequences. *Positive in the sense of smaller actions benefitting the larger whole*

77 thoughts on “Justin Aguirre

  1. I like the idea of micro-level when people think about sustainability it’s more in a large-scale sense. Can’t be entirely green but it’s important to do whatever you can to leave a smaller footprint! A nice positive outlook on sustainability.