Food security is often something that we as a whole overlook. Having access to daily meals and other foods is a luxury and a privilege, not a right. We often think that since we live in such a developed country, with a higher income per capita than a majority of the world that this issue is not that big of a deal, except it is. According to Feeding America, “In 2020, an estimated 1 in 8 Americans were food insecure, equating to over 38 million Americans, including almost 12 million children”. This is a staggering number that clearly shows the extent of the effect that it has over our own country. Another important thing to conceptualize is that there is no one specific group of people who is affected specifically by food insecurity as it “is in every community” according to Feeding America. Below is a chart that visualizes food insecurity in America. As you can clearly see a large portion of America is food secure, but still the slice of people who are not food secure is still incredibly large.
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You made some very good points in this blog post. I notice that food insecurity is a common theme for this week’s blogs.
I thought your blog was very interesting. I was struck by the fact that “In 2020, an estimated 1 in 8 Americans were food insecure, equating to over 38 million Americans, including almost 12 million children”. It really showed how prevalent hunger is in the United States.
I always knew that hunger was an issue in America, but seeing the statistics of those affected by hunger makes this a much bigger issue.
The 12 million children was a statistic that immediately stood out to me. It is extremely sad to see so many young individuals who are not guaranteed meals. This was a good statistic to include to show the prevalence and intensity of the issue in our country.
Thank you for sharing this. I enjoyed how realistic you were to how crucial issues like food security have been normalized.
Food insecurity is definitely prevalent in all communities. I’m from a relatively wealthy area and would often volunteer at a local food pantry in high school. It was shocking to see how many people needed this service right next door. We need to recognize our privilege in order to help others!
This was a great blog post on an often overlooked and misunderstood topic. Nice job Jack!