Gasoline prices and population in New York City Boroughs

Gasoline prices per borough

This graph displays the gas prices in 3 boroughs in New York city per gallon.  All three boroughs have a similar range but the trend shows that Bronx has the highest price in gas despite having the lowest population. The effect of having to pay more for gasoline despite being the lowest populated. support the idea that both boroughs nearby spend less money on gas therefore may be marginally richer to spend on other things.






Gallons of Water Wasted Per Day

For this week’s bog topic, I thought it’d be interesting to reach out to my friends and see how many gallons of water that they believe that they waste a day. Water waste is a huge issue when it comes to sustainability across the globe. Water can be wasted in many different ways and I feel that is often over looked. For example, keeping the water running when you brush your teeth, taking too long of showers, pouring out drinking water, etc. After reaching out to 10 of my friends, I put the data into a bar graph, which is pasted below;

The range of answers is quite obvious as one of my friend’s stated that she doesn’t waste any water, meanwhile, another one of my friend’s claimed that she wastes 20 gallons of water a day. By asking my friends this question, it was intended to make them think of all of the ways that they waste water and in return think of the ways that they can reduce water waste. Making these small changes can have a big impact on our globe.